From everyday texts to technical translation,
as well as NAATI-stamped official documents


Translation is a process of changing words from one language into another, but it’s not merely substituting one word for another. Each text contains a different context, goal and target audience, which means that the translation approach will be different for each text.

At Meagan & Matsunaga Translation, we undertake every project in collaboration with the client. Through consideration of the background and context, goal and target audience for each text, we strive to achieve a translation that is in line with the client’s needs.

Every single translation project that we accept is translated by a NAATI-certified translator with extensive knowledge and experience, and checked by a Japanese native speaker. Our respective backgrounds of Australia and Japan allow us to understand both cultures and create a text that is natural and easy to understand for the target audience, while ensuring that we maintain a translation that is faithful to the Japanese original.